Get Your Sh*t Together, Baby

The United States is one of only six nations on the Earth that doesn’t have federally-guaranteed paid leave. In fact, one in four women in the U.S. have had to return to work just two weeks after giving birth. 

So if the government isn’t going to help you take care of your baby, maybe it’s time your two week old learned how to become an adult. 

We partnered with Glamour, Paid Leave For All, and Hornet to create a satirical kinesthetic baby book series that teaches babies everything they need to take care of themselves when their parents are stuck at work to afford taking care of them - from paying for diapers to using a blender.   




Muse by Clio
Creative Review
Fast Company
Little Black Book
The Story Exchange

ECD: Jed Cohen, Simon Bruyn
CD: Joey Johnson, Shelby Tamura
AD: Katie Brents
CW: Mackenzie Thomas
Design: Hannah Shin